Got a call for dinner, for my recent purchase, is it a scam?
Suggest bakery names <33
Same crime one in UP other in Bihar, Compare the reach.
Just another day in bihar
Illegal Passengers in Train, no help from RPF
overrated bollywood movie
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see your toilet betray you.
Who remembers this!??
Not a single unique experience in my life
Happy New Year Fellas
Welcome to Rohini guys
120 Rupees Off equals to 10 Rupees Lol
What is that one place you would not wish to go again in Delhi, and why?
Scammer got scammed!
Private Screening of Interstellar In DELHI, Book your seats now! (limited seats, filling fast)
Name a better breakfast than Dosa
Late Night Random Discussion Thread - 07 November, 2024
Please give me tips to fix this! The milk has burnt to a crisp and left behind a layer that smells like tobacco.
Girls pls skip this. Boys pls advice
Beautiful Meghalaya
is this photo giving hoe vibes?
Dating apps hai ya LinkedIn😭😭 I see many people add CA and Dr before their usernames
Me 0.3244 seconds after my parents leave the house