Barn med den forkerte podcast
Lillyeana Alarié
Will the show do justice to the Numenoreans in S3?
Shippers BTFO! Charlie Vickers Nation Account Shoots Down The Latest Pressure Narrative
Brandon Sanderson Slams ‘Rings of Power’ & Netflix Not Listening to ‘The Witcher’s Henry Cavill
What is Galadriel's Eregion dress in s1 made of??
Bad News For ‘The Rings Of Power’ After Disastrous Season 2 Viewership Report. Just put it out of its misery already.
What Could Have Been
Why does Galadriel say: "We will not meet again, Elessar"
There must be soul-searching happening in regards to the future of ROP at this point
Why did they make RoP
Må han gerne være praktiserende læge?
Jarl Cordua om Mai Manniche
Gandalf is a prime example of a Maia that enjoys Middle-Earth. So it's not beneath them
Does anyone know why the series keeps refusing to use the word Maia?
Rings & Realms has a thoughtful discussion on canon.
Sauron returning crackpot theory
The extended tales
Any other atheists enjoy reading Middle Earth mythology as a pseudo substitute for religion?
What was Aragorn doing during his 86-7 years before the trilogy?
What Does “Stort” Mean in This Medical Context?
Question regarding Lady Galadriel
Halbrand's Made-Up Story for Adar
ROP S2 Disastrous Ratings: Massive drops for the Battle Episodes and the Finale, 100M min viewed lost