Sex sober for the first time
How was your experience with detox?
Near-empty flights into US
Prayer for the Agnostic
I don't believe in God, how can I do the steps?
What's the main different between na and aa???
I need help. Please.
Does AA have smart people or not???
Maybe I don’t belong here
Do I deserve my two year chip?
ChatGPT is literally the best therapist i could ask for
To Trump voters: why did Trump's criminal conduct not deter you from voting for him?
Can’t shake hopelessness and the need to give up
How do I know this is NOT AI? Seems very much like it.
MAGA - Thy Hatred Is Projection
Are you recovered or recovering?
sober dates
Sponsee not showing the willingness or effort.
It really chilled me to be told that AA isn't for all LGBTQIA+ people.
What hope is there for people on meds
“Call your sponsor”… why?
Trump voters - did Trans issues influence your vote toward Trump?
Is topical cbd a relapse?
I Blacked out and "came to" driving on the highway in a different state.
Why I Stopped Calling Myself an Alcoholic