Auferstanden aus Ruinen: Die Linke wird zur Partei der Stunde
Zumindest sind sie ehrlich?
CDU = Furz
What plants would fit the vibe?
Building my first aquarium - hardscape suggestions?
Jan ist aber sowas von souverän, glaubwürdig, authentisch und menschlich aufgetreten. Respekt
What wood would go well with these rocks? (Tounge twister)
30 cm cube: 3 months (22 plant species)
Red spot above the left eye?
Scarlet badis tank
Just a few boys and girls
Planted tank substrate
Nano vase
Minimalist Cube: 30x30x30cm Natural Aquarium
Feeding time
60cm project
My 30cm cube with 23 plant species
My colleague gave me 5 different ferns today. So happy
Do you pair plants? Which combinations work well together?
What kind of root tabs do you recommend / use?
Really happy with the progress (~3 months)
I can’t find the name of this plant, I have no clue where the ticket is and I wanna know more about it, please help me ID.
What im doing wrong with this java fern?