Just hit plat by solo queuing as Storm (with a side of Luna) 😍
18 hours to get lord on storm 😤
ASSEMBLE!!!!!! Extremely viable strategy, won every game
How to position with storm?
77 kills on comp today!!! Craziest match I’ve ever played 😭
Some QOL stuff we DESPERATELY need
April getting jumped by chat after the makeover
April listening to this while in the apartments
Replace one of the words in an Apex Legends quip with the word “balls”, let’s see how this goes..
Stan Twitter/ red velvet going off as they should
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away 10,000 Apex Coins to one comment in this thread
Anyone else want HammerPoint back? 😭
What music do you think the legends listen to?
What's your biggest pet peeve in apex? Hot takes are welcome
Cuteness overload 😭
Wattson Ult is still kinda broke
Bangalore stories from the outlands legend select screen animation
Evani don’t want to 😤
I won't go easy on you
This never gets old for me
Yall remember this??? xD
Is it just…?
Coming from r/revenantmains and wanted to leave this here...