Spotted this little cameo in the latest issue of Avengers Academy on Marvel Unlimited!
Free McDonalds Code Giveaway
My native gardening journey.
Second one ever!
Zero Point not registering
AIO? My friend WENT CRAZY when the guy she likes made a drawing of me. WARNING: unhinged rant + racism. (Context in post)
Things Balatro haters say
No pause button in the app?
Used some old drawings from work as wrapping paper, thoughts?
After Twitter feud, Azealia Banks issues cease and desist against Matty Healy; demands $1,000,000 in compensation
I Chanted and Chanted....
Got called a fucking idiot by my boss for offering him a cookie
When taking attendance in the morning I ask my high schoolers a question of the day. Yesterday I asked what they would name a pet squirrel. Here are the results.
How to prepare for Rhythm of war and not dropping the series?
The Reviews Are In... Disease is a Smash Hit!
Do you think there's a reason his magic manifest differently on the road then it did in the hex?
She blocked me
Is Billy Kaplan a mutant?
Hurts more than I thought it would.
every artist has that ONE insane defining era of their music career and clearly BRAT is that era
[NEW Update] WIBTA for telling my son to wear NOT his favourite jacket anymore because it "looks gay"?
Website Update- Annotations Broken?
What are they realizing about these characters being from Argentina?
Same meme different format
I hope the niece is able to change her name once she turns 18