What makes Path Of Exile addicting to you?
Amazon Recruiter AMA
I launched my first SaaS product a month ago and made $1.6k - looking for advice on what's next!
Is it possible to build a successful startup without any money, relying solely on free traffic?
I was tired of my phone notifications, so I get my messages delivered on paper and I love it
I feel like I can’t do nothing without ChatGPT.
[Update] I quit my job to build a SaaS – here’s how it’s going so far
My App Was Completely Broken… and No One Bothered to Tell Me
It’s BEEN bad not like it just started
3000 Solved! Talk to the real me- AMA
the most epic recruiting hell ever
My project made $7,800 in the first 6 months. Here’s what I did differently this time
Waiting endlessly for a response from Google.
Should I Quit? ML Engineer forced into full-stack
Hit my first $1k online! 🎉
My "easy" 4 years of indie hacking
shoot me an email at [email protected]
Please, stop, not everything needs to be a ChatGPT API
I have no background in anything tech?
The Southern US doesnt know how to handle these weather conditions
I still have time till may
Just finished the first part of my AI and Deep Learning Youtube Course.
This is the proof we need to submit with our applications to receive a call. A commit is a commit. IYNYK
Tech Stack as a MLE
L&T HR department in Damage control mode after their CEO made the statement "how long can you stare at your wife? " and urging employees to work on Sundays too! Why not just accept the mistake and apologize ?