Do you really wear your trays 22 hours?
A TV buying guide for newbies and average buyers and how to read reviews. (Just in time for Prime Day)
Binge worthy shows that keep you hooked? What I liked/disliked:
Finally saw The Faculty (1998) and damn it was good!
Every horror movie being added to US streaming services in October 2024 for Halloween season
Watched from loved it- recommendations of other tv shows.
Best line of the finale
Favorite guest stars
He accidentally texted me
Fav character and why?? Go ☺️☺️
What is your opinion on Hodgins/Angela relationship?
what are some other phrases you can clearly hear in their voices without actually hearing it?
Spoiler: I can’t deal with how cute they are and that Emily aka Brennan sister is Zooey I love her!
How to fill the void these shows left anyone got some suggestions?
It’s really hard for me to start a show. Can you make some suggestions based on my top 5?
Please let this happen. I want it so badly.
Anyone else just love how much booth is there for bones? I’m still only on s2 mid.. so NO SPOILERS.
What TV shows would you recommend to me, based off my Top 9?
Favorite comforting or cozy TV shows?
The best series you have ever watched
Steve, Eddie, or Billy?
Do u think this was planned ?
Similar shows to Veronica Mars?
Anyone know of some kind of ombudsman that they had help from for dentist ????? #helpplease
Help with getting money back. Re: bad experience with dentist? Help me pls