Anadius Updater Sims 2 Legacy?
Help meeee:(
I've been having trouble with getting cc to show up in my game.
Anyone having compatibility issues on TS2 Super collection?
Issue with Custom Skins in The Sims 2 Legacy (Mac + Parallels)
The Sims 2 Re-Release: Legacy Collection FAQ
I need help :(
Placing lots anywhere?
How can I upload houses to my game?
IKEA pack - I followed the directions in the Mega thread and now game wont play at all (Translation: not supported16-bit program - Incompatability with 64 bit versions of windows
The Patch has been released!
Crashing, never seen this error before: “Direct3D returned an error: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL! The application will now terminate”
will the sims 2 eventually be rereleased for mac?
Has anyone had this issue when activating the sims 2? I cannot change the window size - any tips?
The Sims 2: The super collection on Mac… Can it be downloaded and put on harddrive?
UC installing help? (cracked)
Download stuck at 99%
Second aspiration not working
Sims are pitch black
Feb 4th update: No longer launches windowed mode.
Is it worth it to get the rerelease cause i already have the ultimate collection they gave away
Issue with config saying texture memory is 0
Chris Hatch's Community Time Stand Alone mod not working in Legacy