what’s the secret to taking drugs and not getting absolutely addicted
Curious, what's your profession and what's your consumption rate.
AIO sadly went thru my girls phone and saw this conversation and questioning how to react
Help please
Buds are great and swelling, but leaves are super yellow. It’s an apple critter auto, 9th week of blooming. Help me
Tricomes in my plants are all white/amber, but hairs are still partially white and straight. Should I harvest or wait?
My girl and my old boy
How are Jehovah’s witnesses present in every corner of the world?
Hi! Do you think it’s ready to be harvested?
Do you think it’s ready to harvest?
Not even close yet, but do you think it is enough to be a Christmas present?
Really looking forward ‘till they’re ready
How many g do you think I’ll harvest from my two plants?
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
Nothing better than chickens!
What do you think of my painting? What could be done better?
Some little sketchy chicken
Mayoral candidate arrested for murdering friend at mysterious Twelve Tribes religious sect
Should I start wash off week (not administering nutrients, just water for the mast week before harvest)?
Harvest for the year about 1500g from 3 plants, outdoors
Why aren't there any large cities in this area?
Are there any cults that made art? Doing research for my thesis.
What should I do with all this kief?
Chest pain that gets worse when smoking
My babes are just starting to bloom, what do you think about them?