Managing resource gatherers
If you could have one armor set from any other game, regardless how far fetched, which would it be?
Surely if I leave my Acolytes shooting here long enough they'll destroy the lower decks and the Beast won't awaken...right? RIGHT?
My landlords internet is so bad that its causing me to start Lag Switching. Doing so while gunning in the FRV lets me use my regular guns.
Factions ranked based on my frontline experience
Unironically how did DE get railjack working on an iPad
Does Kotor 2 just... End?
Nerf to Monarch
Is it true that people on Tatooine and the lower levels of Coruscant basically couldn't tell the difference between Jedi and Sith rule?
Cyber babysitting
Anyone else looking to ponder this NYE?
Best MCC k/d ratio you've seen?
Qwertykeys Giveaway: A QK80MK2 Kit with Random Configuration
Looking for fluffy cloak
Any games with similar gameplay?
Condor DIY concept render
bible club
CSC Go washers
It's a state of mind
what's the worst planet effect and why is it "bug spores"
It may have not made an appearance in the campaign, but The Oasis lives on.
What is the best way to make money with out drugs
The Jet brigade has expanded all across the galaxy, and now includes Terminid divisions of Hunters and Pouncers.
Need help finding data on jumping