My brother put light brown sugar into the same container as dark brown sugar claiming it didn't matter since they were both sugar
Lack of technical support
Asking my boyfriend for nudes
What’s left on your sex bucket list?
I'm not American and I don't celebrate Thanksgiving
Grandma style pizza
Live reaction of me and my dog to the nikocado video
My brother never finishes his coffee before starting a new one
my mom found this thing. it needs a name
Do you guys douche before using a dildo?
Have you ever had a threesome if so how was it?
I was told to make dinner for 4, including myself, only to find out after an hour of cooking that everyone but myself had already eaten.
It appears there was a spider egg in my computer, any advice?
This is all the food I had for the next few days. Forgot it for 3.5h in the oven instead of 20 minutes.
What is your nonsexual satisfying feeling or pleasure?
Not Filipino but I made lumpia and sweet chili sauce. Thoughts?
Leftovers fried rice with egg on ham
What can I do with this crochet?
I forgot my umbrella in my locker as the biggest storm of season decides to come crashing down and I am soaked to the socks
Say "yes" if I can dm you my gay sex tape
I ended my own wedding dahil sa pakialamerang soon mother-in-law ko
Is this the beginnings of mycelium or is it mold?
She hears 1 distant firework explosion and she hid under my bed