Does anyone have sexual orientation dysphoria?
Anyone want to start a femtanyl cover band?
An actual "hear me out." What's yours?
I'm not scared of others, I'm scared of myself
I feel like AOC is the only democrat that stands up for trans people.
Tell me your Steven Universe hot take…
mispell spongebob hardly as you can. ( spunchbop for example )
Trans fem representation
What makes Pink Diamond so angry (Wrong answers only)
How my father reacted to my pregnancy news.
A harrowingly depressing email I had to write today
Can laser hair removers cause eye damage?
Public bathrooms in America suck.
If you can download any song In the world, what Song would you think could be a Top 1? I'll go first:
I feel like im too large to transition.
Is it normal not to care if people dead name you?
you *are* a girl.
Is it normal in the community to pay someone to verify a level?
Thoughts on this youtuber?
Help me fix my hair style!
How to deal with transphobic religious nut-jobs?
I got posted on Tw*tter..