Castel Terraforming
Identifying Ibanez RG
My grandfather gifted me his first bass guitar (1984 Ibanez RB750 Roadstar II) as he can't play anymore. What should I do with it?
Which knife should I get?
Help identifying
Japanese to English
What gloves match my M9 the best?
Upgrade or Buy new?
My setup
cort or jackson? which tremolo is better
Solar or Ibanez
Which mic should I get?
Where do I read the light novel online?
Rate my setup
Butterfly Emerald
Need help deciding
Which one? Black Laminate MW or Autotronic BS?
which one should i get 1 (around 900) or 2 (around 1500)
RGB IChill by inno3d?
I unboxed a Ursus ruby recently and I sold it for 2900$ is that good?