Live adult black devil or anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii), a deep sea creature in broad daylight and on the surface!!
French train passenger fined €150 for using phone on speaker
Velkommen til shopify Danmark, stil de spørgsmål du har!
Tattooing rig for 3D printer
People who were born prior to social media, smart phones, the internet and the world being so digitally connected what are your opinions on it? Was it better before social media and the internet or worse?
Mother Stork Sacrifices Weak Chicks to increase survival chances of other babies
In Bhutan it's a tradition to see if a man can shoot an arrow while his dick is being touched
Xbox firmware Update?
Action scene in an Indian movie
Which movie is that for you?
The ‘Eye of the Earth’, Croatia’s Centina river source.
What would you improve in my rig? U$1000 budget
Hows it feel to be American these days?
What's something you will regret for the rest of your life?
would anyone STOP playing FM8 for if GT7 came to pc?
Croatians are boycotting grocery chains for a week due to high prices compared to rest of EU.
Rare sight of two toned wolf spider with trapdoor burrow
What drastically changed your body?
What qualities are the most ideal for men to have?
Ida Bjerkeskaug is a Norwegian painter that has made an art piece of US politics
Firefox’s response after Brave changed its browser app’s name on App Store to “Brave Browser: Forget the Fox”
The term “polydactly” refers to having extra fingers or toes at birth. In most cases, the extra finger or toe isn't fully developed however in rare cases can be fully formed and functional.
Kunstig intelligens vs under middel intelligens
Am I right in this assumption about riders?