How do y'all learn kalimba tabs if the song doesn't have lyrics?
What Moment From "Kitchen Nightmares" Was Absolute Cinema?
Why are we afraid of revolting against our government?
Why my shrimp like this?
I’m afraid of getting married because I don’t want to move to the US
What's your favorite Blitz quote?
What do you see? A certain...spider?
What do you see?
I have multiple subdrives, will they show up in linux mint if they have windows installed?
Government agency removes spoon emoji from work platform amid protests | TechCrunch
We need more Angry Female Protagonists Who Are Allowed To Go Absolutely Feral. What Fictional characters have you encountered that fit this
MMW: Felon in Chief is not going to survive to the end of his term. His face is already drooping on the right side when he tries to smile, indicating a previous stroke.
What did you name these guys before we knew their names?
Sending vibes for tomorrow, Hold the Line Day
Even my nails are ready
President's day protest
We should be protesting with more American flags.
Where to buy Christmas moss, and what was the issue with moss a few months ago? I can't remember.
I was sold White Wizards snails by a pet store as “ivory mystery snails”
Yay or nay on these dinosaur eggs 😅
If you live in the USA you must realize and face the reality that you are in a coup
Is it basic to say that Lina is best giel?
why society and people in general care so much about sex?
Significant pushback at the EEOC
How does one do this??