Near constant Braxton hicks at 27 weeks
Throbbing head and chest pain during Braxton Hicks
Baby moving too much (rant)
What worked for you for hair loss/thinning?
On the topic of Amarillo drivers...
Had an abdominal CT scan with contrast before I knew I was pregnant
Has anyone successfully got pregnant with PCOS
Constipation help
Where to buy and get film developed
Stomach fullness
For those expecting your first in 2025, what are you doing to soak up your last Christmas as a family of two?
Partner treated me to an espresso machine for my bday!
Christmas “gifts” for quail?
Tarte cosmetics concern
Telling Family too soon?
Early Kicks?
Elevated triglycerides - worried about signs of GD
City Council meeting today- 10 Commandments statue in City Hall?
When did it start feeling real for you??
Wrap and small mods
My destructive butthead ripped up my first ever pumpkin plant. I wanted to see how big this pumpkin would get! 😭
What shoes are we wearing to work?
20 week ultrasound was kinda unpleasant!
What’s the biggest loss Amarillo ever took when it comes to places to eat?