Keeping me off the booze so far two months and change
what is your FAV seltzer? looking for new suggestions
reliable used cars suggestions?
Seems legit
Finally got my hands on this
Polar is on sale, $10.99 for a variety pack at Costco today.
Y’all got me seeing what the hype is about!
Which rapper do you believe is truly in it for the long haul—driven by passion rather than just fame or money?
This guy picked his nose & ate the boogers through the whole red light cycle. Clear view in the side mirror.
Best mildly carbonated?
Add Mike's thoughts when he saw the smoke cloud caused by Bossco on the tree-stump. Be as creative as you'd like.
What’s your favourite super sparkly water ?
Just found at that the actors that play Sean and Lexi are married irl!!!!
Just Starting on my sparkling water journey. How am I doing so far ? What else would you recommend ?
Is this really what they look like ?
does anyone watch spongebob in there 20s not with kids?
Ive been searching for ages, what episode is this?
I just discovered this show a few days ago. Hard to believe this show went under my radar until now! I'm on S2 E7.
What movie do you wish you could see for the first time again?
POTV Lobo or Arizer Solo 2?
TCG Shops in N Phoenix/Scottsdale
Day one- which Middle character is a good person and loved by fans?
just finished the middle for the 7th time whay should i watch
Can someone explain this joke?