From the new WT: Angels want you to shun!
Supposedly rapper 50-cent wants to make a surviving Jehovah Witness documentary
Got door knocked this morning
Visita da Filial: "Usou último centavo pra ir no campo e conseguiu emprego de meio período que dá até o carro". "Encontrou ladrão carregando todas suas coisas na estrada e uma multidão desconhecida ajudou a pegar o ladrão."
My mom replied to me.... jaw drop moment
It's only now that I'm POMO that I've realized how much of a time commitment being a JW is
Don’t really know how I expected this to go.
Ok so let me get this right..
Are the JW's a cult? Simple answer!
In case you all missed the most recent GB update, this sums it up nicely
Who remembers the Written Review?
Just had a lady try to witness to me 😂
More lies in the new broadcast
Name the most Ungodly thing JW do!
Trump=Great Tribulation=Armageddon
Today's discussion of the Washington state bill to require clergy to report child abuse starts at 1:02:27.
Exjws that held/attend the now defunct book studies, what was it like?
wait wtf just happened lol
Think Twice Before Confessing: Protect Yourself
Elder messaged me out of the blue
Appointed by holy spirit
PIMI are very confused about the letter saying a 21 year-old brother can be appointed as an elder
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard from stage?
JK - I cherish my intellect
The pain is deep and real.
JWvsNorway EAJW didn't get their meeting.