is it just me or is this tone deaf?
Good metallic paint recommendations?
What are these Tokens?
My FLG had an auction a bit ago and I picked up this lot for $20, I think I made out like a bandit
Take cover Terrain pack worth it?
Learn From Our Embarrassment - Starting Tokens
Shatterpoint needs an Age of Rebellion core set
Moving from Tx to Il
Really happy with this. I think sandman is one of the best sculpted models in the game.
Paint Thinning Advice Needed
The progress so far.
Why was Daredevil never as popular or iconic as Spider-Man, despite them being similar?
Should I wear earplugs?
Wish I knew about different sized bases before I started the core set
What is a good edge highlight colour for red
The age of apocalypse has begun
Primer - Black or white?
Do you purposefully underplay when playing with new players?
Red Skull
Best #1 brush between W&N S7, Raphael 8404 and Artius Opus???
How do you prime your figs during a cold winter ?
Best Paints/Paint Sets for Shatterpoint?
Is it ok to paint a mini without using primer?