Your last saved picture made Heavy confused
Which one would hope for?
I met 4 of the 5 Power Rangers
Why does my game always auto connects to Singapore of all places (I live in France)
How is sohei not the worst character?
If your main had a walk up song what would it be?
What is the next prime you're most excited for?
What's the best sword to play with excalibur ?
I still hope that we will have comment picture in this sub
It rarely happen so i enjoy as much as i can
The Devs Made an amazing job with Khatun. She is just so fun, rewarding, amazing fashion and waaay more balanced than most of the last releases.
New hero pretty good
Legit lag or Lagswitching?
Which is the most evil SCP in your opinion?
So i was today years old when i discovered that not only Grineers are talking there own language (and not having a stroke) and beside they're talking shit to each other
My [Nidus Prime]
Need some inspiration for peacekeeper. Send me your best pk's!
Never in Tenno history has a sentence like that been constructed
You guys think Scaldra would have an SCP style record of the warfrrames
Which future Prime weapons are you looking forward to?
it would be ballin
Any tips on how to farm bite?