[US, US] [H] Tons of Singles over $10! High end PSA slabs as well. [W] Paypal
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
Raw cards/slabs for sale
Any recommendations for 40K titles for preteens?
Is it wrong to clown on people who try to promote their sw in hobby spaces? I respect the hustle but some hobby groups have minors in them. A post in a warhammer group yesterday got me wondering about this.
New Hammer and Bolter episode on warhammer plus came out - Return to Cadia. What is the thoughts on it?
[US, US] [H] Raw Modern & Vintage hits 10-15% off, Pika/Zard KFC Promo Sets, Slabs [W] Paypal
For all the idiots ruining the hobby.
They have grimdark weapons, we have numbers. What's your call?
"no, the imperium wouldnt curbstomp CIS, the republic, the empire, super earth, star trek, mass effect, halo, etc."
Anon don't wash his chicken
[US,US] (H) ARS Slabs, PSA Slab, Art Rares, JP Pikachu promos, random singles (W) PayPal, Specific Wantlist
My fiancée admitted she doesn’t find me physically attractive, but still wants to marry me. What do I do?
[US, US] [H] Tons of Singles 10-15% off. Low cost slabs. Sealed Boosters, 151 Booster Bundles, Lorcana BB's! [W] Paypal
Any good chaos space marine books?
BEWARE: San Diego man luring children to his car using Pokemon cards
Rock Thrower UPDATE
Is this top grip something in lore or a legitimate holding style in real life? I notice the astartes guy uses it quite a bit
One Piece: Chapter 1138
When you're late for work but have to deal with this
[US, US] [H] Raw Modern & Vintage hits 10-15% off, Pika Ex 238 PSA 10, Pika/Zard KFC Promo Sets, Sealed 151, ETB's, Boosters, Lorcana First Chapter BBs/D23 [W] Paypal
When your favorite restaurant turns out to be a vaguely racist pos.
What on earth is going on
Terrible players lol
ULPT: Budding criminal enterpriser? Remember - laws are different for young children. Moving fake cash, selling drugs, arranging "dates" with a ho...kids will work for candy bars and xbox games. And if they get caught theres little the justice system will do.