2023 Winter Session Housing (Upper Year) Offers Out!
Winter housing wait list numbers
NEW TO CAMPUS MEGATHREAD: Post all your admissions, housing, new-to-UBC and general questions here!
What were ur Gr 11 and 12 average
Thinking of applying to UBC
Is KORN 102 hard?
gpa boosting courses for term2
advice for getting into cs
Math 100 grades out
Favorite CPSC TAs?
Lets go!UBC.I am looking forward to being a part of it
Math100 meeting
Anyone received email abt MATH100 meeting?
Casual Badminton Buddies
My forestry friend cant access his building during night
Ice skating registration
Badminton at ubc
No more* Country Codes in Yonex Rackets
Validate badminton racket
What are the temperatures inside the SRC?
Rejection of conditional?
Dropping chem 121
UBC Badminton Drop-in Discord/Facebook
What mattress topper should i get
How fast is internet in totem park