What is the grey bar above boss health bar
Name your main in 3 words
Give me your furry/sonas and I’ll doodle them :3
What do you say when things don’t go your way in matches?
If shadow abilities and alternatives are banned for a gamemode, which hero will you choose?
What style of music do you listen to when your playing?
What is your favourite stage and why?
Can you please draw my character from scratch?
100+ hours on my first playthru and I still can’t get enough.
Rep 37 Lawbringer W or L?
Drip or Rip?
Do most people name their Titans?
Warmommy did something lustful
Bored creature wants to draw (only 40)
Fuck zodiac signs what are your favorite pilot perks
What are the best names you have encountered
Which game is this for you?
Poor guy got reverse ledged
Looks like LBs armor is doing it's job finally
What character do you inarguably, undeniably and deeply despise the most?
This should be Fun!
Ironclad was very stubborn on this day.
New Warlord Hero Fest Execution - Slap and Bash