I’m at the end. Which ending let’s me stay on the island?
Rafts Broken?
Day 290
What the FUCK did Panda see in the scroll??
the Not Deer
The dilemma of having outdoor cats & caring about conservation.
It's okay to be a Creep
Can you tell what type of tree this is, based on the stump and bark?
How is this tree still alive!!
Building spot
Is this a spruce or a pine tree?
Giant Drill Bit Fruit, can't find the actual name anywhere!
And so it begins... :^)
Am I the only one who is completely baffled by the lack of a Far Cry set In a western setting? Or hell even in a setting like No Country for Old Men. The series went stone ages before it went wild West. Another obvious layup Ubisoft can't seem to make.
newbie solo player, day 18. I've set up a nice little base here. it's pretty peaceful so far!
Do Americans realise that they're, basically almost all, descendants from illegal immigrants?
What’s this Fucker’s name? He looks familiar
Does John’s ranch become prosperity in nd?
Question for the anti korra people
Advice sought: How can I continue killing this crepe myrtle and preserve the black cherry growing through the stump?
How often does anyone actually encounter the worm?
Does Asia have invasive plants/animals from America?
First time seeing this…
Why didn't air benders use more accessories(weapons)
Bark Beetle calligraphy