How do I get Tom Brady in Madden 25?
What do we think Metallica will play?
Happy Cliff Burton day to you all!
Is there any proper websites that have any merchandise of Battle of the Bay / Bay Bridge Series?
Tried remaking the logo because the “A’s” seemed a bit different than the cap logo and such
Anyone else in here have one of these?
Week 5(?) of half assing For Whom the Bell Tolls, and small Cliff talk
Questions about Guitar Hero: Metallica.
Saw somewhere that the opening to “Where the Wild Things Are” was supposed to be a bass intro by Jason? Is that right or no?
Will the Patriots do better in the 2025-26 season?
Help me name him 😍
Has the Coliseum been completely rebranded for the Roots yet?
Where is Cliff’s original Black’n gold Aria-Pro?
John “Harpo” Fisher in Moraga, CA.
And yes it was 1000% him
Am I the only one who hears Lars doing a 3 count before starting?
Made a better wallpaper for us Oakland fans.
Made a wallpaper is anyones wants to use it. I can make one if someones wants to, but disclaimer: i can only do so much
week 1 of playing and learning metal militia
Is this website safe?
Big Z’s back.
Could Rickey Henderson be a possible The Show cover?
Could Rickey Henderson be a possible MLB The Show cover?
Are you happy with your team’s offseason so far?
What do the hall of famers think of this relocation?