What should I do next session? (Classes using items they are not "proficient" in)
How much XP should a Hoard of treasure offer?
Crush on my reg - help
Book World Map
Wizard Talent: +2 to INT or +1 to Spellcasting Check - aren't these the same thing?
This speech was the best part of the whole anime for me
TIL I have a nasal spray addiction. This is the amount I've used in 1.5 months just to fucking breathe.
Stamps not stacking... intelligently? I'm not sure what to call it...
Draft 1 of a map I've been working on. Any critiques welcome!
Would the Sleep spell sleep a standard Zombie?
Should I include the ranger and bard in my one-shot?
My son joined the D&D club at school, and it happened...
I want to give dming a try but am new to dnd so what books should I read and is their anything you guys would recommend
Flamestrike weak in my eyes
What happens to torch timers in combat?
Has anybody tried player-tracked individual torch timers?
Spell Scroll Costs
Camping Supplies?
How many encounters/rooms in a 3-4 hour session?
Question about Carousing Cost
Xp for Treasure: Do they need to get it outside the dungeon first?
Why is 5e/OneD&D better tha OSR?
Does Shadowdark work well for urban adventures, social encounters etc.?
Which historical periods can I look to for worldbuilding inspiration?