Looking for house-techno song by lyrics "i lose my mind"
AR’s second tech was apparently because he said “that’s a foul” three times
Am I right that Tasha's Ranger isn't actually any better at "Ranging" (tracking, exploring, surviving in the wilderness) than any other class?
What is your ideal length of combat in rounds?
Pirate roaching out earlier in the same day with the same group
First time Diamond, some advice for Master climb ?
OnlyFangs Clears MC with Mizkif Raid Leading in Japan
NL guesses the song from drum pattern
[BR] Luka Doncic’s text to the Mavericks team group chat after being dealt to LA: “Thanks for everything.”
Bwipo's toplane priorities, by Bwipo
Pikaboo on why his stream blew up
Pops responds to Tyler1's comments after he quit OnlyFangs
T1 explains his side
Summit1G and Tyler1 go at each other after differences over how Yamato Punishment went
Yamato thanks Soda
Vulcan Reveals All - Balancing The Highest Levels of LoL & Team Turmoil - The Sack Down Ep 22
Pilav mod makes a different suggestion for Yamatos punishment (loot drama)
Grubby on PirateSoftware's hate raid take
Writing strong female characters
Jokerd correctly identifies pirate's skill level
Pirate patronizes his raid members after wiping for 10 mins straight, recieves proof that HE was in fact at fault, instantly deflects responsibility for his actions
Pirate wipes the raid, immediately calls himself out
Yamato's thoughts on GKICK (move on)
piratesoftware drama made it to official league casters calls
PirateSoftware has "reported it to twitch" regarding creators "organizing hate raids"