Why Society Hates Intelligent People | Schopenhauer
একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি অমর হোক
What is the future of Bangladesh?
Life is moved by an unconscious Will\Drive\Energy that causes all sentience, internally this Will moves us to seek pleasures which in the end make us worse off.
Why do religious people fail to understand this simple fact?
Cognitive functions and pessimism...
Is Gen-Z little bit too idealistic or its just part of the aging?
This isn't some happy happy wonderful DNA ride and there is no end goal to be had here.
The delusion of new-atheists and scientists, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein's message...
Assessment of this generation - right or wrong?
Is there anyone in here who actually reads Carl Jung's work?
Who, in your opinion, would be the most genius artist?
/r/Pessimism: What are you reading this week?
উপদেষ্টা সহ সরকারী চাকুরিজীবীদের সম্পদ বিবরণী কি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে?
We need to stop using the word 'illiterate' as a slur.
হাঠাৎ হলোটা কি?
দেশের সব নাগরিককে সুরক্ষা দেবো, কে কোন ধর্মে বিশ্বাস করে সেটা বিবেচ্য নয়
Are sadness and melancholia the most basic / natural emotions a human can experience?
what's your mbti type and political ideology?
Imam Al-Ashari was a very good sophist and most Asharis are just nihilists in denial...
How to develop Si as an INFP?
Bangladesh lost to islamism?
Are Hadiths considered Sunnah?
কিছু অপ্রিয় রাজনৈতিক সত্য কথা...
Impact of technology