Why not just let us turn off skins in the options ?
What was a game you played as a kid that you still think about all these years later?
I'd like to read more "realistic" apocalyptic books
The F*ck Trudeau flags are being replaced
Why don't we create a megathread for people to talk about their thoughts about the price of the game?
Is my helmeth still usable
Not sure how it flew under the radar but [Civilization VII] Regional Launch Times !!!
How do you tackle big books?
What would make the most helpful Civilization 7 Review?
Countdown to CIV VII - Key events?
When I land a shot directly in the face of an enemy will a level 1 or 2 helm make a difference?
What's the lore behind your gamer tag?
Ex-DICE Developer Says Battlefield Fans Should 'Temper Their Expectations'
Obama being Obama
Who are y’all excited about playing first?
Should I pay for her lift ticket on the first date?
Take the best feature from every battlefield game and make the perfect game.
any advice on growing a bigger chest?
Milk Run in Telluride was fun today!
Exploration Civs Explained
Civ 7 described as The most complete package since IV
This is how the poplars fluff burns in the park of Cidacos de Calahorra (Spain)
Official Announcement Regarding Data Breach
Do you remember the first video game you ever played?