How to help my GF have fun?
Mercy is an Easy Hero
If you could pick between Baptiste or Kiriko to be your support, which you rather have?
Why Does League’s Queue System Suck?
What is the last 2.1 level have you played in 2.1 before 2.2 got released immediately? And it was good or bad ? I will start (wth)
I hate to be that guy, but some of the platformer demon levels, do not deserve to be demons.
I Wish Squid Game Challenge Took Skill to Win
Why are y’all scared to push?
What path did y'all choose first?
Unironically cannot play with my wife and friends.
Ok I'm jealous.
Do we think there’s a chance competitive mystery hero comes back?
Is this good for a first level? Constructive Criticism is appreciated.
I’m working on a level called “Surprise”. So far what is a good difficulty rating for it?
You’re the last person on earth. What do you do first?
If you had one thing to return from ow1 to ow2, what it would be?
I have over 4000 attempts on deadlocked and haven't beat it yet, ask me anything!
why do players leave their support behind?
Why is conqueror called conqueror? What is he conquering?
How should people react to bad teammates?
What you all think of Sojourn mains?
I’m asking every tank main sub this, what do you think of us Ramattra mains?
Should I just pocket tank as support
You just won one billion dollars, what are you still not buying?
Hammond Death Animation