Faldt lige over en video, hvor nogle gutter laver deres egen 'Fight Club' i en have... hvorfor er det her en ting?
After Dobbs, 70% of women say avoiding pregnancy is important: KFF survey
Fremtrædende analytikere føler sig misbrugt af Dansk Folkeparti: 'Det er vælgerbedrag'
Jeg blev ‘tvunget’ til at præsentere mig selv med mit foretrukne pronomen
Første borger skudt med politiets nye strømpistol
Julegave til 20 årig babysitter
Hvad har Assad og Rasmus Seebach til fælles?
Hvilken julekalender traumatiserede dig som barn? Jeg starter
I will give away 30K coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours! FUCK Reddit Coins
I går sluttede min værnepligt, og jeg føler at det er nødvendigt at gøre opmærksom på de forhold jeg har arbejdet under
Does driving get easier??
What’s a very common thing that you just can't relate to?
What's something that is romantic in movies but creepy in real life?
Thats not how you play the game!
A mechanical musical marvel from the late 1800s.
"Oh, you're a programmer? I have a problem with my printer...". What's the equivalent of this in your job?
Did the Backstreet Boys ever find out why ?
A Danish prison cell in a newly built prison
Night in York, England
6 months of working out naturally, veins are coming in nicely
What is a basic skill most people have that you don't?
I hate how being rude is now normalized in social media
Atleast someone remembers Danielle
What are you sick of explaining?
Or is this just a me thing...