“Armored Tesla" forecast to win $400 million State Department contract after Trump's election, government document shows
rusian stock market this morning after Trump "peace plan"
11.1 pvp patch notes?
As a Hunter, this one change in 11.1 excites me the most!
Libs are starting to have actual panic attacks and not a single specific reason given as to why.
Pvp 11.1
Navrh zakona od GP - psychologovia sa uz nebudu moct vyjadrovat k panovi pemierovi
Canadian police loses mount control after using taser allowing suspect to grab an axe. Thankfully suspect arrested safely
Imagine instead of "glad mount" we are awarded a pvp mount at 1800 with "attachment slots" that are unlocked at higher ratings/game modes (i.e. duelist, glad, R1, strategist etc.)
Instead of APCs and tanks, donkeys and horses. Due to huge losses of equipment, the Russian army is increasingly switching to horse-drawn vehicles
Oficiálna FB stránka Úradu vlády SR popisuje proces výstupu z EU
If you could have one WoW ability IRL, which would it be?
25 never Had a grilfriend
Been saving cosmic fragments for a year do you guys think this is enough to e6 aglaea?
Do you think blizz will allow copy char to ERA?
11.1 class prediction
How does the PVP-meta change in MoP? (Arenas)
How big is your spider?
Trump will fix it.
tetovačka ktorú som včera zrobila. hľadám viacej ľudí, ktorí by o niečo takéhoto mali záujem:)
There are dozens of us!
Trump Signs Executive Order to Build Migrant Detention Camp in Guantanamo Bay
Zažili ste sexuálne obťažovanie na verejnosti typu kino, mhd či škola?
Exkluzívny prieskum AKO pre JOJ 24: Takto by dopadli najbližšie voľby
Denník N: Daniela Bombica prepustili, nemusí nosiť ani elektronický náramok