At what point did you decide to change the design so much?
She clearly hasn't moved on and is implying she thinks her "lost love" with elon to her dying day 💔
stop studying and invest: Warren Buffett once said Wallstreet is only place where men with Rolls-Royce’s drive up to get advice from men who just got off the subway. Is he wrong?
Genius is in far greater supply in this country than courage: $PLTR
Apparently Grimes denies having buccal fat removal surgery
Married, catfish or other?
I accidentally visibly gagged at someone’s smell and MD wants to talk to me on Monday
PLEASE take it slow when having sex!!
Has anyone here successfully stopped drinking? As a BWT I love a good wine or a cocktail with dinner but want to stop and need some hacks
Guy says he “doesn’t do dates”
Is 49 too old for Bumble?
Dating as a guy sucks.
new grimes photo!
Is there still hope? How many grafts? I can’t afford it in Australia, where would you recommend to get it done?
My BWT who commute via public transport, what are we carrying our laptops to the office in?
How to turn off first move? (F with premium)
oh elon lol
I can't take it anymore 😩
Will my pee stream become normal again or am I gonna be a sprinkler forever
Never having a girlfriend at 21 completely blows....
48M. Too much lost already ?
Ever been accused?
Honest Thoughts on My Upper Eyelid Surgery
really loving how mad he looks after an hour in there. fingers crossed
Dr.bek 4,5 month