Did they talk about Trell that much during the apollo22 pod??
Hot Take: Sus is a great addition to NJ.
Trell has OD feminine ways
Almighty Dodson compares him calling his daddy for help to gang banging
What does Adam see in suspect. He can’t hold a conversation without cussing & repeating himself over & over again
I thought keem motive was having the tough conversations. If it’s true that Trell & pun made him leave then he a hoe.
What no jumper host is being described here ? And is this description accurate?
4Extra doing 100k daily on no jumpers is crazy.
Get this racist ass idiot Flakko off of NJ
Hopefully one of these creators copyright pun. Nigga playing their whole video in his reaction with no reaction
Flakko makes everything about race & try to downplay blacks.
Suspect only pick on people he can beat up. This nigga fought lush a 40 year old dope head
Why does 3+3 DICK MUNCH Trell sanders so crazy. Nigga got the same one arm expressions
Pun the hardest worker of fmw
Why Yall Hatin On FLAKKO So Much 🤔
So much foreshadow this episode 👤
Every Flakko show has been canceled. This nigga is the wrong person to lead, cohost or feature on a show. He is too small minded. Let riemoh lead, at least it’s no bias
No Jumper News is back but why did they make Flakko the lead smh
Suspect look like he off some drugs
Punsolved mysteries is just the nigga watching content of people who actually did the research. Don’t waste your time with that bs.
Dejon's last fair to say episode he was whining saying "Where's my rookie of the year can I be rookie of the year?" was a grim reminder of how much he missed being on No Jumper
Dejon a cold nigga. He gon try to take down TDE through the Apollo
Ngl that was a good podcast today
Only niggas I’m believing are gay are pun and trell
Get rid of almighty. The F-mic talking the most.