Spring & Summer Fragrance Suggestions?
Been addicted the last half year…
Found this furry mass in the rocks at my work.
Am I tripping...
Added these guys to the collection.
Different bottles?
Am I getting a counterfeit?
Who has creed and its clone?
Afnan supremacey clones
Any suggestions?
First dupe haul!
Just started. But I’m addicted
What Other Fragrances Should I Get?
Beginning of a beautiful story
Best place for decants?
Wondering if there is a old formula Joop Homme clone?
Pick top 5-10 from my wish list
Last month I had one fragrance, this is my collection now.
Do these look ok? I feel like I have clown feet.
Messed up?
(OC) I’m a single dad, at a very low point in life right now. I got home today and found this, made by my daughter.
I need syringes! Are these good?
How to titrate dose?
Need advise! Where to look?!
what happens if you don’t pay and live in the signed lease?