Staffing ratios in public libraries
Was anyone else bowled over by Alex Ross Perry's praise of the Brian Herbert Dune books?
Forms Of Electoral Districts
The Red Scare! Was there actually a boogie man?
Icehenge by Kim Stanley Robinson, one of the most beautiful stories I have never heard any one talk about.
Why didn't anyone tell me Roger Zelazny was so good?
Recall elections for districts under STV
Nuke power has the highest probability of, and the largest cost overruns among megaprojects.
Ending FPTP was the best political idea for2008
What are your favourite alternate history novels?
Finally finished the Mars Trilogy
One State Solution ...
Unhinged takes from normies
What are the best cakes on film?
Which sci-fi book/series has the most beautiful prose?
This is extremely my niche
I used AI to create a picture with the prompt: your soul to the devil Jack Aubrey
if you had to choose, Would you pick STV or Proportional Star/allocated score?
I'm honestly surprised that there aren't more dinosaur-related books in print sci fi
What’s your favorite obscure reference?
What would a naval conscription look like in a galactic setting?
Even the most literate beings can't describe a color.
Can someone debunk this about Palestinians willingly leaving during 48. I don’t know these specific rebuttals. I swear they got professional Zionists to sit on social media and answer questions as a job.
What makes Israel apartheid?