Wie handhabt ihr den Neuer-PC-Zwang für Win11 bei Freunden & Verwandten? (falls ihr der ITler im Haus seit)
Solving the 12vhpwr melting problems: A recommendation for a new connector. The DCM-13W6, which is rated for 40A on each power pin. Feel free to discuss and post other connectos which would be better suited than 12vhpwr
I can't tell which one prevents my base from turning into a radioactive crater and which one automates bread production
Linus Tech Tips - The Most Expensive USB Drive on Earth December 17, 2024 at 10:15AM
Linus Magic Tips
10 Minutes into WAN and Linus is already putting himself in unfavorable situations again lmaooo
[Halb-Rant] In Microsoft Word steht Strg+F seit kurzem nicht mehr für "Suchen" sondern für "Fett", per Shortcut das Suchen-Fenster öffnen geht gar nicht mehr. Warum? Wer hat sich das ausgedacht? Und wie ändere ich das zurück?
Der Koffer
Le Memé au Citroen
Le Memé
Since yall kep getting these right lets throw you guys for a loop. What do I drive?
Citroen BX
Laptop with removable cpu and gpu
I've never in my life used an apple pc and now I have to wipe/reinstall a Power Macintosh G3. How do I do that?
Mac Specifications
"the AI icon" recap
How does NocoDB handle many2many relationships? Am I stupid?
Idk I think we've all had this thought
The Z-Axis on my Photon S has a lot of play. Seems to be the brass part that actually moves the plate. Is it just worn out or what? more info in the comments, also turn up the volume its not that loud.
Does only the cloud hosted option cost money?
Wie verhalten sich zwei Rufnummern auf demselben Analog-Telefon?
ELI5: What is the purpose of thrust blocks on ships and how the hell do they work?
Beginner trying to figure out how to navigate the new support settings in Anycubic Photon Workshop