What is something you avoid for your mental health?
How did you "waste" your 20s"?
Is this normal??
Guests lack common sense: why we are switching to stainless steel cookware
cloudy water
American Southwest Trip
What's something that people turn into their whole personality?
What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
What is something you've experienced as a kid that today's kids will never understand?
Does anybody else’s dog absolutely have to sniff their collar with confusion the second you take it off of them?
How do I tell my friend that her activism is driving me away?
What do you do for toiletries?
what ridiculous nicknames do you have for your dog?
Arrangements for dog while being out out house for work
Best items for very long flights?
What to watch on psychedelics
My first STR in Aspen, CO
Feels like we’re supposed to be in 2023
Buying my first house—what advice can you give me for the closing process and after the purchase?
Which actor / actress do you absolutely hate seeing on screen regardless of how good the movie is?
Movies that will leave me sobbing for days
Dog bit room mate
Puppy pees on bed at every possible chance
Weird Smell in Bedroom
Dog walker?