Sorry y’all [Rhino]
Who have 2xbossdrop? My offer is gas overpay 10mil but idc
What would you do in this situation:- (A) fight them (B) join them (C) ignore them
Did I make a good choice choosing Ghoul as my first v4?
Why is there no Conqueror Haki?
What fruits you think deserves some chromatic skins?
Here's what True masters (+) were using in 2024
Comment the best fighting style in your opinion
I wanna start pvping but i suck at combos and everything
This was by far the most painful thing to get in this game
Make the Comments Look Like ballas' Search History
Scorpion forever, you?
I think i'm an npc 😔 but i will turn excalibur my top 1 this year
The Most common tipe of people i see on the game
Guys i swear its not what it looks like
What race would you recommend with my build?
What you guys think CONTROL Going to look like after it gets a rework
How do you think they will rework control?
Rate my KP3 predictions/copium out of 10!
What is the TRex worth?
What Can I get with this?
Me dêem nomes, kkkkk