how are we doing, friends?
Just need to vent (patience with Boothill rerun)
I did a little redesign of Acheron <3
Is there any character you have pulled/will pull for that actually doesn't fit in your team?
Have you ever met someone who appears incredibly stoic?
Best hair/beard combo?
Help, I physically can't wait anymore and it makes my hands shake so much.
how do i change my reddit name?? :(
Welches Prüfungsfach ist am schwersten?
Why'd you start playing?
What straight ship is your favourite?
When will his journey end?
If silksong gets anounced during the nintendo direct i'll buy 3 STEAM copies to anyone who comments
Deadass forgot there was only 3 Preservation units tf they preserving?
Why does cat OR dog exist?
Biker boothill
Is there any characters you guy regret pulling and any characters that you guy didn't regret pulling?
What HSR character has the prettiest eyes?
should i use the boothill theme to make a ford edit