Sex with my boyfriend isn’t exciting anymore
Need advice on going back to school
Confused and hurt
I have to tell someone
Is it normal to feel totally turned on after just coming out?
My biggest regret was being too afraid to accept I was bi when I was younger.
swipe to reveal me
Men who scream on video games
Hooked up with a guy and things were kinda not what I expected.
Trying to build a more masculine physique. Would you consider me fit?
Recently came out and I feel like I’m having an identity crisis
tower moment (at least for me)
Romance with a masc love interest?
I came out as Bi to my husband
Is this normal?
What made you realize you weren’t straight
Just came out to my bf
How to come out to friends
Any other bi people feel like they're lying to themselves about their sexuality?
Going to college as an adult at 26
Writing apps with a lock or password?
I want to know you better :)
Do you like where you live?
Road to 200 Followers! F4F
27F I’m bad at making friends in real life!