"Quem não gosta de futebol não manja nada da vida"
O papa capim virou o beiçola rsrsrs😂🤣
Make the comment section look like Lucifer’s Yelp page
Let's come up with baby names and describe what you think Veesha's baby will look like 🥰
[jemu-draws] Hunter is over it
made me sad but still
Favorite character you just wanna
(uberiezzz_fr) An Evil Willow and her Hopeless Boyfriend
What‘s a deltarune take that’ll get you like this
Headcanon sexualities?
Se tem placa tem história
What's your favorite Masha design?
Favorite Non-Human Black Character?
Existem mais exemplos de nerdcasts assim?
Connect the dots
Meanwhile in a different timeline (Art by: @katorishimatsu)
As histórias da Marina nunca foram engraçadas.
How do you guys think the Blight family going react to Amity's death?
How did Jax get a three letter name if the name machine has five letters?
ew to you sir (possible repost)
Se pudesse escolher 1 para lançar amanhã, qual seria?
You've heard of Ty Lee looking like Curious George, now get ready for... Or-Aang-utan
Favorite Character who became your fav in a matter of seconds?
I’m 14 and this is Greep.
Por que o nome é Chapeuzinho Vermelho, se ela usa um capuz e não um chapéu?