Stupid and funny name ideas?
Finrot or overly worried me?
Planaria or not to worry?
Help, is this planaria?
What makes a healthy betta?
RIP Henry
is this lethargy after a water change?
Practicing drawing
Chili rasbora, good idea or no?
Betta not eating??
Has anyone else had an Amarno decide it wants to be a red cherry?
What fish in 7 gallon?
Plant advice?
Anyone know what this organism is?
Adding substrate in existing tank
What is this fish?
How many rasboras in 10 gal?
Are neon tetras worth it?
What’s this worm?
Berried or not?
I feel like garbage.
People Who Aren’t Scared Of Death, Why?
what is something you strongly disagree with BUT you also totally understand and respect the opposite side?
Where you mostly waste your time?
When did you cry last and why?