Examples of two songs that are eerily similar or blatantly copied?
Now & Then wins the middle square by a landslide. What’s a great song we are divided on?
Piggies wins by a slim margin. What’s an average song that divides the fanbase?
Lunch Break on the Snoqualmie River in WA
Ob La Di wins over the haters. What’s a bad song that we are divided on?
Pineapple ginger kombucha 🍍
Ringo gets the nod as “What Goes On” is the winner for an average song that’s hated. What’s a great Beatles song we seem to hate?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X
Revolution #9 got the top vote in the first category of my poorly made grid. What’s an average song we all seem to hate?
Alright Beatles fans, I spent too much time making this shitty grid. What’s a bad song that’s hated by us? Top vote gets the spot!
Who is singing like Kermit?
Well this sucks
I’ve never cried from listening to a song before, what do you think should be my first time?
Pete Carroll takes Raiders job, set to become oldest head coach in NFL history next season at 74
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
How to carbonate without getting baby scoby?
What are the most important albums of the 1960s?
[Game Thread] Ohio State vs. Notre Dame (7:30 PM ET) - 4th Quarter
What's the most beautiful U.S. State?
CFP doesn't rule out 'tweaks' to format for 2025
We now have the 4th longest championship game drought in the NFC
I’m not sure I can handle another offseason
Going from Band of Brothers to The Pacific
The perfect any time song- Glad and Sorry, Faces