Othello care
Brown spot on sclera
Why is my dog so weird like this 😂😂
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What kind of rash is this?
My mum loves baking and it triggers my binges
Social Event coming up, huge anxiety about attending
Why am I always so exhausted after eating??
My 2+ years of chronic fatigue turned out to be severe insulin resistance that didn't show up in blood tests (posting just in case there's a tiny chance someone in here has the same problem!)
How do ya'll deal with missing out on social events / never being sure whether you'll be well enough to make it?
Has anyone been prescribed ritalin for their fatigue?
This made me both cry and laugh ❤️
Lolsob, too true!
This sign in front of my local coffee shop
Monstera adansonii - curling leaves. Can someone tell from these visuals whether I'm over or underwatering? Thanks!!
Monstera adansonii - curling leaves. Can somebody tell from these visuals whether I'm over or underwatering? Thank you!!
Spotted an old G3 iMac on the curb. Turned into a quick afternoon project.
The Secret Room - sounds fake?
My monstera's newest leaf is struggling! I think it suffered for too long before repotting 😢 Should I give it a chance to develop or am I wasting its energy / should I cut? Thanks!!
Clit stim toy for PIV?
Monstera leaf delayed development
My Ag family! What's your favorite plant? Special guest appearance: Elliott the Beagle
Favorite kind of Saturday
After all why not, why shouldn't I buy more plants?!
Not sure if these count as house plants since there outside my house, sorry in advance if not but I’m wanting to show off my collection since nobody at home seems to have any interest.