Is this a place for a bugslide?
My DIY tracker with DSLR
Horsehead & Flame Nebula
Thors Helmet - NGC 2359
Help With Autoguiding
Salvaged Frigate Modules - a better method
Beginners attempt at the larger Orion region.
So I guess I've completed the Korvax language?
Thank you, whoever you are
Artifact Show and Tell: Ever find an artifact and go, "Ooooooohhhh that's a keeper."
First decent photo of the night sky. How can improve this.
The Flaming Star Nebula and Tadpoles Nebula
Since Orion season has begun ...
Why does this 4 hour exposure look so, bad?
NGC 281 / Pacman
The Great Carina Nebula from Australia
Also my first time at the Swan Nebula
Orion Nebula - Stock DSLR
The Orion + Horsehead + Flame (Night 2)
Did anyone else encounter this YEPTREE errorcode?
It's probably not impressive for most people here, but I'm extremely proud of this and just wanted to share it with someone. First month I managed to get all golds in TOTD
Nu stiu cum sa ma las de iarba.
care e masina visurilor voastre? ce va permiteti?
Ce planuri aveți pentru mini vacanta 1-5 Iunie?
In legatura cu profesorii indrumatori de la licenta