What flag is this? (Wrong answers only)
Significant Difference in Meat Consumption Across Europe
Police Violence by State
Trying to get a comment from every country of europe day.1
Which race of immigrants has the most in the regions of France?
When I die, I’m definitely going to ______
Ok spirits, you were 100% right about my current job title being sucker. So I'm looking at quitting. My next job title will be __________?
All Kanye West needs is a hug and a _______
Can I sniff your ____?
PISA(average score of math, science and reading) 2022 by countries
Честный знак
The winner of this year’s Super Bowl is _______.
Общага напротив 3:45
Something I'll never have part 1
What do you call these in your language ?
I hate it when i get ___.
Eat my ____!
What country is this? (Only right questions)
99% of Americans can't name this country
Я хочу выучить русский язык
day 11 of creating an empire for the top comment: today's country is Austria
Day 2 of trying to get a reply from every country
Does your Nation have the Most Speakers of your Most Commonly Spoken National Language?
How Much US States Rely on Imports from Canada, Mexico, and China
Malé has been chosen to represent Ocean! Which city best represents RIVER?