I want to create a custom controller, are there any PCBs or more trustworthy keyboards than this one in various key counts?
This game has ruined my life
My IT teacher is the most IT teacher looking guy i've ever seen
I want to kill myself
What are yall’s favorite birds?
Made my own
Ummm I’ll take blue please
Why do the most young gen alphas like horror so much?
A question for boys and boys only: is this cool?
How do y'all feel about hardcore?
On my lunch break. They forgot to cut the pizza. I do not have any scissors in my vicinity and I'm sharing this with my brother.
Not Satisfied,more cursed memes
Linus said this is ok...
Found this at a local cash converters
Do you plan on having kids in the future? If so, how many?
Do you piss standing or sitting?
What's your favorite lego set?
I need help
Where did people get the idea of mario eating spaghetti?
Coolest thing ive done today
Firework gun. +1776 independence, projectiles explode and attract attention of undead creatures.
Georgian man with a firework gun
Computer build