Asked my mom to take a picture of a leak for me and she drew it instead.
Current Body - Don't waste your money with them!
My mobile payment wallet decided to update and wipe itself just as I reached the checkout after queuing for 20 minutes. Thanks, Google.
What’s your comfort show for difficult times?
Is there any movie that's better than it's novel?
What’s the Funniest TV Show You’ve Ever Seen?
[Acne] Do People with Clear Skin Notice Acne on Others?
What's a tv show that's just peak fiction?
What’s a green flag in a relationship that people don’t talk about enough?
AIO to my gf being bisexual
What recommendations have you seen on this sub that actually made a difference in your skin?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
what's something you learnt almost embarrassingly late in life?
Recommend "fuck you songs"?
what outdated things would actually make life easier today?